Crawford County Land Reutilization Corporation minutes August 28, 2024
The meeting was called to order at 3pm by Chairwoman Cindy Edwards.
Present were Cindy Edwards, Barb McCullough, Eric Baldinger, Tim Ley, Doug Weisenauer and alternate Larry Schmidt for Jennifer Kuns.
Guest present was Sarah Herrle.
The minutes of the June 26th meeting was distributed for review. Tim Ley moved to approve the minutes with a second by Eric Baldinger, motion passed.
The finance report was reviewed. Doug Weisenauer moved with a second by Eric Baldinger to approve the finance report, motion passed.
The bills to be paid were discussed. Doug Weisenauer moved to pay the bills with a second by Larry Schmidt, motion passed.
The Bank Reconciliation report was distributed for board members signatures.
Old Business;
The ice plant is in possession of the Bicentennial Board committee.
The East Perry Street Bucyrus is now in possession of the City of Bucyrus.
The East School in Galion is in process being transferred to the new owner.
New Business;
A letter of resignation was received from Kevin Myers. Eric Baldinger moved with a second by Tim Ley to accept the letter of resignation, motion passed. We should receive recommendations for a replacement for our next meeting.
The bids for demolitions were reviewed and discussed. Eric Baldinger moved with a second by Doug Weisenauer to discard the lowest bid based on incomplete bid package, responsiveness of the bidder
and references, and to accept the next lowest bid from Dirt Slingers, motion passed.
The next meeting w.ill be held on September 25th at 3pm.
Doug Weisenauer moved with a second by Tim Ley to adjourn, motion passed.
Doug Weisenauer, secretary