Crawford County Land Reutilization Corporation minutes April 24, 2024

The meeting was called to order by Chairwoman Cindy Edwards at 3pm

Present were Cindy Edwards, Barb McCullough, Jennifer Kuns, Eric Baldinger, Tim Ley, Doug Weisenauer

and Tommy Starner for Bucyrus.

Guests present were David Zak, Lyndon Hill, Linda Pitt and Cory Spackey.

The minutes from the March 2ist meeting was distributed for review, two misspellings were pointed

out. Tim Ley moved with a second by Eric Baldinger to approve the minutes as corrected, motion


The financial report was distributed and discussed. Doug Weisenauer moved with a second by Jennifer

Kuns to approve the financial report, motion passed.


The bills to be paid were reviewed, Eric Baldinger moved with a second by Tommy Starner to pay the

bills, motion passed.

The Bank Reconciliation report was distributed for members review and signatures.

Old Business;

Updates were given on current projects. Mowing contractors are still needed for some properties.

The property at US 30 and Crawford-Wyandot Line will be discussed on May 13th with the County

Engineer, Commissioners, Land Bank and adjoining property owners. The adjoining property owner was

told by the commissioners to go ahead and start farming it this year.

New Business;

The 2023 financial statement was reviewed and needs approval by the board. Jennifer Kuns moved with

a second by Eric Baldinger to approve the Statement, motion passed.

Board members were reminded to complete the Fraud Report Audit sent out by Julian & Grube.

Manager Barb McCullough reported that interest year to date line needs adjusted and cost of

inspections needs to be increased by $15,000. Doug Weisenauer moved with a second by Tim Ley to

adjust the 2024 budget on those two lines, motion carried.

Several properties that received damage due to the recent tornado was discussed. Currently there are

several properties either under insured or not insured that could cause hazards in Bucyrus. No funding is

available at this time to help those property owners.

The next meeting will be on May 22, 2024.

Doug Weisenauer moved with a second by Eric Baldinger to adjourn, motion passed.

Doug Weisenauer, secretary