Crawford County Land Reutilization Corporation minutes February 28, 2024
The meeting was called to order by Chairwoman Cindy Edwards at 3pm.
Present were Cindy Edwards, Barb McCullough, Jennifer Kuns, Landyn Hill, Tom Starner, Tim Ley, Doug Weisenauer, David Zak and Kurt Fankhauser.
Chairwoman Edwards welcomed Tommy Starner to the committee as Bucyrus Safety Services Director.
The minutes from the previous meeting of January 24, 2024 was presented for review. Tim ley moved
with a second by Jennifer Kuns to approve the minutes, motion passed.
The Financial report was distributed and discussed. Doug Weisenauer moved with a second by Tim Ley,
motion passed.
The Bills to be paid were discussed. Jennifer Kuns moved with a second by Doug Weisenauer to pay the
bills, motion passed.
The Bank Reconciliation report was distributed for board members signatures.
Old Business;
Properties for demolition were discussed, qualifying buildings located at;
223 S Columbus St, Galion
437 S Boston St, Galion
551 S Union St Galion
504 S Union St, Galion
235 S Jefferson St, Galion
322 W Bucyrus St, Crestline
Doug Weisenauer moved with a second by Jennifer Kuns to accept this list of homes for the next round
for demolition, motion passed.
343 S East Street, Galion has gone thru foreclosure and is now in possession of the county. Doug
Weisenauer made a motion second by Tim Ley to include this property in the demolition list, motion
The Lane Street Bucyrus property that was discussed in our last meeting was discussed. No action
needed at this time, the prior agreement with Bucyrus city is fine. Bucyrus is responsible for demolition
and then bill the Land Bank for reimbursement for their portion of expences.
Updates on the Ice flant and East Perry Street in Bucyrus and East School in Galion was received. No
contamination has ~een detected and final grading and seeding can begin when conditions are ready.
New Business;
Board members were required to submit their annual acknowledgement for receiving the
Comprehensive Ethics Policy dated 3/30/2016.
An ethics complaint was received from a resident and was forwarded to our legal counsel Russ Long for
review and will be discussed at our next meeting.
Manager Barb McCullough will discuss updating our website with John Rostash.
Our Next meeting will be March 20th at 3pm.
Tim Ley moved to adjourn, second by Doug Weisenauer, motion passed at 3:25.
Doug Weisenauer, secretary