Crawford County Land Reutilization Corporation minutes January 24, 2024

The meeting was called to order by Chairwoman Cindy Edwards at 3pm.

Present were Cindy Edwards, Barb McCullough, Jennifer Kuns, Kevin Myers, Eric Baldinger, Bruce Truka, Tim Ley, Doug Weisenauer, John Rostash, David Zak, Kurt Fankhouser and Oscana with the TF.

The minutes from the previous meeting on November 29, 2023 was distributed for review. Kevin Myers moved with a second by Eric Balderson to approve the minutes, motion passed.

The financialreports were distributed and discussed. Doug Weisenauer movedwith a second by Tim Ley to approve the financial report, motion passed.

The bills to be paid were discussed. Doug Weisenauer moved with a second by Kevin Myers to pay the bills, motion passed.

The Bank Reconciliation report was distributed for board member signatures.

Old Business;

Current projects underway were discussed and the East School is still experiencing a water leak but otherwise demolition is complete. Seeding and grading will be done in the spring.

East Perry Street has completed the soil testing but no results are back yet.

Erick Baldinger reported that the current demolition company, Advanced Demolition, has been very good to work with.

RFQ’s were sent out after our last meeting and two consultants responded and were interviewed.
New Business;

The upcoming grant opportunities were discussed and the application deadlines are in April. Eric Balderson moved with a second by Tim Ley to continue working with our current grant consultant Burgess and Niple, motion passed.

A new grant opportunity, welcome home, was discussed. The board took no action toward applying for that grant.

Jennifer Kuns made a motion with a second by Kevin Myers to apply for the upcoming Brownfield Grant, motion passed.

Tim Ley moved with a second by Kevin Myers to maintain the same officers for 2024. Motion passed.

John Rostash stated that the City of Bucyrus has acquired the property on Lane street for demolition. This house had been discussed in the past and the possibility of being reimbursed by the landbank is allowable. The lowest demolition bid is $10,400 by GMC Excavating. The board members agree that the reimbursement could be done but a resolution and vote will need to be done at our next meeting.

Kurt Fankhouser requested information about a parcel on west Mansfield street that was sold to a board member several years ago and if the ethical policy procedure was followed. Barb McCullough stated that the attorney for the Land Bank was just given Kurt’s Request two hours ago and needed time to review the transaction.

Mayor Truka submitted several addresses for future project consideration.

The next meeting will be February 28th.

Doug Weisenauer moved with a second by Tim Ley to adjourn, motion passed.

Doug Weisenauer, Secretary