December 29, 2022 Meeting Minutes

Crawford County Land Reutilization Corporation Minutes  

Meeting called to order by Chairwoman Cindy Edwards at 3:03 pm

Present:  Mayor Linda Pitt, Kevin Myers , John Rostash, Mayor Jeff Reser, Cindy Edwards, Barb McCullough, Comm. Tim Ley, Jennifer Kuhns  

Kevin Myers motion and second by Mayor Reser to approve the minutes from last meeting October 29,2022 . Minutes were passed out and read.  Motion passed 

Barb introduced to everyone the Financial Reports for review. Kevin moved to accept and second by Jennifer Kuhns.   Motion Passed 

Barb presented the bills ( 2 bills only ) to be paid with discussion on the bills also the bank reconciliation report was read by Barb, reviewed and signatures obtained.  Kevin moved to accept the billing (2 )  and the financial report,  second by Jennifer Kuhns.   Motion Passed. 


Barb stated that the E. Perry St. project, behind Kroger store, will now be called Koons Dry Cleaning Project. This was due to the Grant Awarded for demo was named that way in Grant award. Grant awarded for this project must be completed with water monitoring wells installed as directed by the Ohio EPA.  Discussion was held on this issue.

Discussion on the Galion East School Building demo project. Owner of property, Annie Carter has NOT replied or sent back to board the agreement concerning money to be paid and the turning over the deed to the Land Bank after project in completed.  Burgis & Niple will be sending out bid documents for this project, if after bids have been received  and Annie Carter does not have the agreement back to the Board this project will end and be discarded. Budget award money will be sent back to the State. 

Bucyrus Ice Plant project was discussed and update provided by Barb.  Need to have a waiver signed by neighboring land owner, Tim Lutz allowing use of his property during demo. Small portion only as the Parcel does go over into his parking lot, which is needed for demo of Ice Plant building, Barb will handle.  This project has to be completed by  June 23, 2023 or money will be forfeited back to State. 


Signature sheet passed out for acknowledgment of current Ethics policy which was sent to each board member prior to meeting. 

Website update by John Rostash : Informed board that information, addresses of property’s with the Crawford County Land Bank will be posted on website for all.

2023 Budget was given to each and read by Barb. Discussion was held.  Motion by Jeff Reser to accept the 2023 Budget with 2nd by Kevin Myers. Motion passed.

Need to update Bugis & Niple on meeting with Annie Carter by contact and meeting set on the importance of the contract, if award is not used this year 2023 award will have to be returned, Barb will handle.

All meetings in 2023 will be MOVED to Thursday’s at 3:00pm

Motion for Adjournment by Kevin Myers and 2nd by Jennifer Kuhns.