October 26, 2022

Crawford County Land Reutilization Corporation minutes October 26, 2022

Chairwoman Cindy Edwards called the meeting to order at 3pm

In attendance were Cindy Edwards, Barb McCullough, Jennifer Kuns, Jeff Reser, Kevin Myers, John Rostash and Doug Weisenauer.

The minutes of the September 28th meeting was distributed for review. Jennifer Kuns moved with a second by Jeff Reser to approve the minutes, motion passed.

The Financial report was distributed for review. Doug Weisenauer moved with a second by Kevin Myers to approve the Financial report, motion passed.

The bills to be paid were discussed. Doug Weisenauer moved with a second by Kevin Myers to pay the bills, motion passed.

The Bank Reconciliation report was distributed for board member signatures.

Old Business;

ODOD Grant update, the projects were moving along with Burggis And Niple. Further agreements need done for two properties. Bidding for demolition should occur soon.

An Auditors sale was done for seventeen properties. In the future the Land Bank will be able to assist in disposing of properties.

New Business;

Cindy and Barb toured the various properties. A homeless person took up residency at the East Perry Street property. He was advised by the Bucyrus Police office that the property will be demolished soon and he needs to find somewhere else to live.

Funding for the demolition can be borrowed from the county general fund if needed.

The revised budget for 2022 was discussed. Jeff Reser moved with a second by Kevin Myers to approve the revised Budget, motion passed.

The next meeting is planned for November 30th because of Thanksgiving.

Kevin Myers moved with a second by Jeff Reser to adjourn, motion passed.

Doug Weisenauer, secretary