June 22, 2022 Meeting Minutes

 Crawford County Land Reutilization Corporation minutes June 22, 2022
The meeting was called to order by Chairwoman Cindy Edwards at 3pm.
Present were Cindy Edwards, Barb McCullough, Jennifer Kuns, Eric Baldinger, Kevin Myers, Tim Ley, Doug Weisenauer, John Rostash and Linda Horning Pitt.
The Minutes of the April 27th meeting was distributed for review. There was no meeting in May. Tim Ley moved with a second by Jennifer Kuns to approve the minutes, motion passed.
The financial report was discussed. Doug Weisenauer moved with a second by Tim Ley to approve the financial report, motion passed.
The bills to be paid were presented for approval. Kevin Meyers moved with a second by Tim Ley to pay the bills, motion passed.
The Bank reconciliation reports were distributed for board member signatures.
Old Business;
205 Dudley St was discussed. The restoration is going well. Kevin Myers suggested that an evaluation on the progress be made and possibly turn over the deed to the buyer soon. Barb and Cindy will visit the construction site soon.
The ODOD grant for East school was awarded but still no word on the other properties. Kevin Meyers moved with a second by Eric Baldinger to enter into a contract with Burgess and Niple for demolition bid documents, motion passed.
Contracts with the county auditor and treasurers’ offices are up for renewal. Jennifer Kuns moved with a second by Eric Baldinger to renew the contracts with both, motion passed.
Doug Weisenauer moved with a second by Tim Ley to adjourn, motion passed.
Next meeting will be July 27th, 2022

Doug Weisenauer, secretary