Crawford County Land Reutilization Corporation minutes April 27, 2022
The meeting was called to order at 3pm by Chairwoman Cindy Edwards
Present were, Cindy Edwards, Barb McCullough, Jennifer Kuns, Eric Baldinger, Tim Ley, Jeff Reser, Doug Weisenauer, Cory Spackey and John Rostash.
The March 23rd minutes as well as the corrected February 23rd minutes. Jennifer Kuns moved with a second by Eric Baldinger to approve the minutes, motion carried.
The financial report was distributed for review. Doug Weisenauer moved with a second by Tim ley to approve the financial report, motion passed.
The bills to be paid were discussed. Doug Weisenauer moved with a second by Jennifer Kuns to pay the bills, motion passed.
The bank reconciliation report was distributed for board member signatures.
Old Business;
The ODOD grant status was discussed. No final award notification has yet been received.
The property on St. Rt. 61 and St. Rt. 309 was discussed as a potential project. Eric Baldinger moved with a second by Jeff Reser to include this demolition as an economic development benefit to the area. Motion passed.
The Audit for 2021 is complete with no findings.
New Business;
Two properties have been offered to the landbank. One at 206 West Galen and one at 612 East Rensselaer Street. The members want to look at them first before making any decision.
The Land Bank contract with the Treasurers office is expiring. Jennifer moved with a second by Tim Ley to renew the contract with the Crawford County Treasure for the administration services. Motion passed.
Jeff Reser moved with a second by Tim Ley to adjourn, motion carried at 3:34pm.
The next meeting will be May 25th.