Crawford County Land Reutilization Corporation minutes March 23, 2022
The meeting was called to order at 3pm by Chairwoman Cindy Edwards
Present were Cindy Edwards, Jennifer Kuns, Barb McCullough, Kevin Myers, Jeff Reser, Eric Baldinger, Tim Ley, Doug Weisenauer and John Rostash.
The February 23rd minutes were presented for approval. After some discussion, Kevin Myers moved with a second by Jennifer Kuns to approve the minutes with some corrections, motion passed.
The finance report was presented for review. Doug Weisenauer moved with a second by Jeff Reser to approve, motion passed.
The bills to be paid were discussed and Jeff Reser moved with a second by Doug Weisenauer to pay the bills. Motion passed.
The Bank Reconciliation report was distributed for board member signature.
Old Business;
205 Dudley Street, the construction is underway and the end user has submitted all required documents.
The East School; The owner will contribute to help with building demolition cost and turn the property over to the Land Bank. The School has been submitted to the state as a demolition project and no response at this time on approval.
The East Perry Street property should be approved soon for demolition however there is someone living in the building. Discussion was had as to the process to evict a homeless person.
The Board Member policy was discussed relating to last months appointment of a new board member. It was determined that appropriate procedure was followed.
New Business;
The 2021 Financial Statement was presented and approved. Kevin Myers moved with a second by Eric Baldinger to approve the Financial Statement, motion passed.
Some other potential projects were discussed for consideration. Barb McCullough will review the grant requirements for chain of custody issues.
The next meeting will be April 27th
Doug Weisenauer moved with a second by Tim Ley to adjourn, motion passed at 3:42pm.
Doug Weisenauer, secretary