February 23, 2022 Meeting Minutes

 Crawford County Land Reutilization Corporation minutes February 23, 2022

The meeting was called to order at 3pm by chairwoman Cindy Edwards.

Present were Cindy Edwards, Barb McCullough, Jennifer Kuns, Kevin Myers, Jeff Reser, Tim Ley, Doug Weisenauer.

Guests present were Eric Baldinger and John Rostash.

The minutes of the previous meeting was distributed for review. Kevin Myers moved to approve with corrections from the presented draft. Jennifer Kuns second the motion. Motion passed.

The financial report was presented for review. Doug Weisenauer moved with a second by Jennifer Kuns to approve the financial report, motion passed.

The bills to pay were reviewed. Kevin Myers moved with a second by Doug Weisenauer to pay the bills, motion passed.

The Bank reconciliation report was distributed for board member signatures.

Old Business;

Chairman Cindy Edwards presented a letter of resignation from Bob Johnston. Kevin Myers moved to accept Mr. Johnston’s resignation with regret. Doug Weisenauer seconded the motion, motion approved. Cindy Edwards will send him a letter accepting his resignation.

205 Dudley Street was discussed. Barb McCullough presented three offers. One for $2,500. One for $5,000 and one for $10,000. The home has been condemned by the city and we will need to have a contract with the potential owner to bring the home up to safe standards before we can turn over the deed. Doug Weisenauer moved with a second by Jeff Reser to accept the $10,000 offer with conditions that the buyer can provide financial assurance and an improvement plan within two weeks, if not, then accept the next lower bid. Motion passed.

The ODOD grant was discussed. The application has been submitted for the East School and East Perry Street properties. No response from the State has been received. The East Perry Street property will need a phase 1 inspection after the demolition since a dry cleaner was listed as a previous use.

A budget addition line item for consultant fees was discussed. Doug Weisenauer moved with a second by Kevin Myers, motion passed.

Jeff Reser moved with a second by Tim Ley to nominate Galion Building and Zoning Director as a board member. Discussion about the necessity to clarify the Director or Eric Baldinger by name so we can have a simple transition if Eric Baldinger would leave his job and a new person would be hired by Galion as happened when Bob Johnston retired and Eric was hired to take Bobs place with the City. Motion passed. Eric Baldinger accepted.

Eric Baldinger moved with a second by Jeff Reser to adjourn, motion passed.

Next meeting will be March 23rd at 3pm.

Doug Weisenauer, secretary