Crawford County Land Reutilization Corporation minutes December 16, 2021
The special meeting to discuss the brownfield grant application was called to order by Chairwoman Cindy Edwards at 3pm.
Present were Cindy Edwards, Barb McCullough, Kevin Myers, Tim Ley, Jeff Reser, Doug Weisenauer, Eric Baldinger and Gary Frankhouse.
The grant application requires the applicant to register on or before December 20, 2021. Gary Frankhouse has collected information about the grant details. After some discussion it was decided that the Land Bank would be better served by hiring a consultant to manage the grant.
Jeff Reser moved with a second by Kevin Myers to hire the consulting firm of Burges and Nipple to serve the Land Bank for this grant, motion passed. Burgess and Niple will be contacted By Cindy Edwards to contract with the Land Bank.
Several potential projects were discussed. These projects will be forwarded to Burgess and Niple for review and consideration.
Kevin Myers moved with a second by Doug Weisenauer to grant Barb McCullough and Cindy Edwards discretion to request environmental studies if needed for any project being considered under this grant. These studies would be paid for with land Bank funds if necessary. Motion passed.
Doug Weisenauer moved with a second by Tim Ley to adjourn, motion passed at 3:27pm.
Doug Weisenauer, Secretary