Vice Chair Jennifer Kuns called the meeting to order at 3:01pm
Present were; Jennifer Kuns, Barb McCullough, Eric Baldinger, Bob Johnston, Tim Ley, John Rostash, Rob Ratliff and Doug Weisenauer.
Guests present were; Tim Brown and Rick Ordeman from GT Environmental
The minutes from the June 24 meeting was distributed for review. Tim Ley moved with a second by Bob Johnston to approve the minutes as presented, motion passed.
The Financial report was distributed for review. Doug Weisenauer moved with a second by Bob Johnston to approve the financial report, motion passed.
The Bills to be paid were discussed. Bob Johnston moved with a second by Tim Ley to pay the bills, motion passed.
The Bank reconciliation report was distributed for board member signatures.
Managers report/ old / new business
The annual audit was discussed. It was a clean audit.
Galen Street property was discussed. We are still waiting for a resolution from the city of Bucyrus accepting the property. Rob Ratliff said it was forthcoming.
1940 New Washington Rd was discussed. The agreement with the new owners was signed in February. The agreed completion date is here and some minor cleanup is yet to be finished. Doug Weisenauer moved with a second by Tim Ley to extend the deadline date by an additional 90 days to November 18th to comply with Covid guidelines. Motion passed.
The Phoenix Project was discussed. Doug Weisenauer moved with a second by Tim Ley to move forward with the project as presented with the exception that the landbanks limit would be $25,000 per project, motion passed.
223 N Thoman St was discussed. Jennifer Kuns moved the Landbank take position of the property being forfeited to the Landbank, motion passed.
1160 Whetstone St was discussed. The property is abandoned. After the City of Bucyrus demoed the home it must be made available to a new owner. The Land Bank filed for ownership since no one else did. Now the city of Bucyrus is seeking ownership in order to market the property. A decision will be decided at a later date.
Representatives from GT Environmental presented a plan for abandoned gas station cleanup within the county. A contract will be presented to Russ Long for review. It was made clear that there be no financial obligation of the Land Bank. We would only facilitate the Grant. A special meeting would be called if necessary to review the contract agreement.
Doug Weisenauer moved with a second by Bob Johnston to adjourn. Motion passed at 4:15pm.
Doug Weisenauer, Secretary