Chairwoman Cindy Edwards called the meeting to order at 3pm.
Present were Cindy Edwards, Barb McCullough, Jennifer Kuns, Bob Johnston, John Rostash, Kevin Mye·rs, Doug Weisenauer, Eric Baldinger and Landyn Hill.
The minutes of the previous meeting on February 26th were distributed for review. Jennifer Kuns moved with a second by Bob Johnston to approve the minutes, motion passed.
The financial report was distributed for review, Doug Weisenauer moved with a second by Kevin Myers to approve the financial report, motion passed.
The bills to be paid were discussed, Bob Johnston moved with a second by Kevin Myers to pay the bills, motion passed.
The Bank reconciliation report was distributed for board member review and signatures. The managers report was discussed as attached.
The property at 303 Galen was discussed, The City of Bucyrus is still discussing the future use of it. Old Business;
The annual audit was completed with no findings.
The Gaap report has been completed in the past by the County Auditor. Moving forward Mizik Miller could complete it., A contract for them to do the Gaap Report will be requested.
New Business;
The property at 205 East Mary St was demoed last fall has some settling issues. A request will be made to GMC Excavating to look at it.
A potential property on S. Riblet in Galion was discussed.
A special projects proposal was discussed for 2021 demolition.
Bob Johnston moved with a second by Jennifer Kuns to adjourn, motion passed at 3:50pm. Next meeting will be on June 24th
Doug Weisenauer, Secretary